About us

For the past 12 years, APPA have safeguarded our client’s retirements,  over 700 Appa members have accumulated more than $300 million dollars in property.

APPA is Australia’s leading property investment group, developed for investors by industry professionals. However, we are not your average, typical property investment company.  Our philosophy is to ensure that the properties offered passed our strict due diligence and assessment procedure to ensure that all your interests will be looked after.

Our prudent property choices enable everyday Australians to pay off their mortgage in 7 years. It’s our team of expert financial planners, property coaches, accountants, solicitors, finance specialists providers and property managers who provide the high levels of ongoing support to clients, aiming to secure a portfolio of superior property assets that will enable them to retire comfortably.

the best plan • the best property  •  the best outcome

How this works

Our team will select the appropriate property that compliments your financial position. As well as considering your ability to be able to leverage the opportunity with tax depreciation allowances. We will also arrange through the tax department, a weekly, fortnightly or monthly refund using the PAYG Tax Act. This enables you to comfortably afford your investments that will pay down your mortgage.

Our team will assist with the property management and the tenanting of the property once it is complete to control the whole process to remove that extra stress.

Our values

There aren’t a lot of companies that can even claim to offer what we do. What we aim to achieve isn’t easy, but we don’t accept anything but the very best. Everyone within the company that is dedicated to maintaining the highest expectations on quality and ensuring that our commitment to delivering on everything that we promise that is upheld to our clients.

Why Choose The APPA?

Here at the APPA we understand that the world of Brisbane property management and self managed super funds is a busy one. There are a number of providers in the sunshine city offering services in setting up a self managed super fund, maintaining one, and offering Brisbane property management. So why should you choose us, over them? Allow us to provide three simple reasons.
We Do It All
While some companies might be able to help you in setting up a self managed super fund, and others may provide advice on that self managed super fund, it’s pretty rare to find a company that takes care of everything. Yes, from Brisbane property management to investment advice, as well as everything SMSF Brisbane residents are looking for, the team at APPA can help you out. That’s what makes us a cut above the rest, and that’s why our customers choose us and encourage their friends and family to do the same.
We’re Experts In The SMSF Brisbane Needs
When it comes to the SMSF Brisbane is looking for, APPA are the ones to go to. Our team are highly knowledgeable in all aspects of not just setting up a self managed super fund, but also maintaining it to safeguard your future profitability and ensure your lifestyle doesn’t need to change in retirement. We consider ourselves experts in self managed super funds because our clients know to go to us with all of their queries and concerns. That’s another solid reason to choose APPA over any other company dealing in SMSF Brisbane wide.
We Know The Brisbane Property Management You’re Looking For
If you have a self managed super fund that involves a property, you’re going to need a property manager that is looking after your interests. Self managed super funds are not a guaranteed success, and the risk is there if you don’t find the right property management. At APPA we understand the challenges associated with a self managed super fund, and we offer the property management our clients with self managed super funds need to get ahead in retirement.
So, whether you’re setting up a self managed super fund, or looking for the right people to ensure your self managed super fund does the job it needs to do for your retirement, come and talk to the team at the APPA. We can help.